Professor Of The Practice- Asst. Dir., Ms-Hci Program

Georgia Institute Of Technology Atlanta , GA 30301

Posted 1 week ago

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Georgia Tech prides itself on its technological resources, collaborations, high-quality student body, and its commitment to building an outstanding and diverse community of learning, discovery, and creation. We strongly encourage applicants whose values align with our institutional values, as outlined in our Strategic Plan. These values include academic excellence, diversity of thought and experience, inquiry and innovation, collaboration and community, and ethical behavior and stewardship. Georgia Tech has policies to promote a healthy work-life balance and is aware that attracting faculty may require meeting the needs of two careers.

About Georgia Tech:

Georgia Tech is a top-ranked public research university situated in the heart of Atlanta, a diverse and vibrant city with numerous economic and cultural strengths. The Institute serves more than 45,000 students through top-ranked undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs in engineering, computing, science, business, design, and liberal arts. Georgia Tech's faculty attracted more than $1.4 billion in research awards this past year in fields ranging from biomedical technology to artificial intelligence, energy, sustainability, semiconductors, neuroscience, and national security. Georgia Tech ranks among the nation's top 20 universities for research and development spending and No. 1 among institutions without a medical school.

Georgia Tech's Mission and Values:

Georgia Tech's mission is to develop leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition. The Institute has nine key values that are foundational to everything we do:

1.Students are our top priority.

2.We strive for excellence.

3.We thrive on diversity.

4.We celebrate collaboration.

5.We champion innovation.

6.We safeguard freedom of inquiry and expression.

7.We nurture the wellbeing of our community.

8.We act ethically.

9.We are responsible stewards.

Over the next decade, Georgia Tech will become an example of inclusive innovation, a leading technological research university of unmatched scale, relentlessly committed to serving the public good; breaking new ground in addressing the biggest local, national, and global challenges and opportunities of our time; making technology broadly accessible; and developing exceptional, principled leaders from all backgrounds ready to produce novel ideas and create solutions with real human impact.

About the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology:

The College of Computing has been a leader in defining modern computing as a paradigm that combines the foundations of theoretical mathematics and information science, the force of invention in computational systems and processes, and interdisciplinary practice that integrates innovation in computing with all facets of life. Today, the college comprises five schools that offer unique academic programs and conduct research specifically related to their concentration areas: Computer Science, Computing Instruction, Cybersecurity and Privacy, Interactive Computing, and Computational Science and Engineering.


Atlanta, GA

Job Summary

This appointment is for a non-tenure track academic rank of Professor of the Practice with a working title of Assistant Director of the Masters-Human Computer Interaction Program.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field dedicated to creating human-technology interactions that end users find useful, usable, and enjoyable. The Master-HCI Assistant Director, in collaboration with the Program Director, is responsible for instruction, advisement, research project coordination, admissions, and administrative oversight of students in the MS-HCI Program. The Assistant Director will possess an outstanding track record of academic and practical achievement in this field and exceptional instructional and administrative skills.


Coordinate MS-HCI Project Opportunities:

  • Provide direction for engaging MS-HCI students in meaningful research and design projects that align with Program goals and student academic and career objectives.

  • Inform students about project and career-oriented opportunities and support students in determining appropriate forms of engagement.

  • Work with internal (GT) and external partners (e.g., corporate, community, NGO, government, start-ups, etc.) to involve students in career-relevant projects.

  • Identify and promote internships and full-time employment opportunities by networking and developing relationships with external partners.

  • Advise and coordinate agreements for project work, including coordinating NDA/CA or other documentation.

Advise Students in Appropriate Methods and Tools for Projects:

  • Meet with MS-HCI students to guide the development of projects in core courses and electives to assure completeness and realistic and achievable goals.

  • Meet with students to give feedback and monitor progress on projects.

  • Serve as an advisor to individuals and teams on capstones and course projects.

  • Gain access to and/or disseminate information about industry-relevant software, hardware, licenses, or other tools for use in course activities and projects.

Facilitate Human Subjects Research Training and IRB Protocol Submissions:

  • Provide advice, assistance, and review of student-authored IRB protocols.

  • Work with the Office of Research Integrity Assurance to support an improved understanding by students of ethical research and protocol application components.

  • Work with the Office of Research Integrity Assurance to develop efficient processes for including IRB training and protocol submission/approval in program courses.

  • Assist in training students about research ethics and processes.

  • Advise and serve as the secondary reviewer for IRB protocol submissions within the School of Interactive Computing.

Support Project Dissemination:

  • Assist and encourage student submissions to conferences, design and research competitions, and similar opportunities.

  • Review project reports and presentation slides to ensure submitted material meets the highest standards.

  • Communicate with School, College, and Institute media relations about coverage of student work.

Curate Campus Resources:

  • Help students identify, access, and use campus resources for their projects, e.g., prototyping facilities, usability testing labs, and subject recruitment.

  • Coordinate with these campus resources regarding access and use (and related documentation and training).

  • Facilitate dissemination of resource information to students (e.g., 4-Minute Madness, guest lectures in classes, meetups, etc.).

Oversee the Master's Research Project (Capstone) Requirements and Process:

  • Develop and maintain requirements, forms, and project processes

  • Communicate with students and faculty about requirements, forms, and processes

  • Assist students in identifying an appropriate faculty advisor, industry partner, or other project advisor

  • Review project reports and presentation slides to ensure submitted material is of the highest quality.

  • Manage the submissions of project assets/artifacts (Archive student-related research papers, posters, presentations, theses, and demonstrations).

  • Manage project milestone activities

  • Support students in project proposal planning and document submission.

  • Direct students in submitting project syllabus and credit permit for registration.

  • Coordinate and conduct project check-in meetings with all students.

  • Coordinate and conduct mid-point project meetings and advisor feedback.

  • Coordinate and conduct final project presentations.

Engage in Teaching and Curriculum Development:

  • Make effective contributions to teaching and learning in areas relevant to HCI/UX.

  • Serve as the course instructor for PSYC 6023: Research Methods for HCI.

  • Oversee the design and development of the MS-HCI research course (PSYC 6023) and support the design and development of the HCI Design Foundations course (CS/PSYC 6755).

  • Create and teach other MS-HCI-relevant courses as time permits.

  • Obtain feedback from students, peer institutions, colleagues, alumni, and employers about the curriculum to develop improvements and strategies for curriculum planning.

  • Develop content and activities that are based on practical skills expected for industry positions.

  • Identify and host industry professionals to engage with students in practical skills training via guest lectures and in-class activities.

Advise Students on Career Development Activities:

  • Meet with students to discuss career plans and interests in support of developing appropriate course schedules, projects, and networking opportunities.

  • Provide guidance on and feedback about resumes, portfolios, and other job-seeking artifacts.

  • Discuss strategies for interviewing, comparing offers, and negotiating.

  • Support career mentoring opportunities by connecting alumni and other practitioners to students.

Provide Service to the MS-HCI Program, School, College, and Institute (and Profession):

  • Participate on administrative committees, search committees, and university governance activities.

  • Support relevant Ph.D. programs (e.g., CS/HCI and HCC) by supporting the PhD qualifying exam process and serving on thesis committees.

  • Network, liaise, and attend events to promote the MS-HCI Program, School of Interactive Computing, and College of Computing

  • Act as a reviewer for grants, scholarships, competitions, conference submissions, and journal articles.

Work with the Program Director to Provide Administrative Organization:

  • Partner with the Program Director to develop and implement the MS-HCI student learning experience strategy.

  • Support the MS-HCI admissions process including recruiting, reviewing applications and making admissions decisions, contributing to the admitted student event, and new student orientation.

  • Contribute to internal and external reviews of program content, including development of the Institute's annual program review structure, providing required annual review information, and supporting the Program Director in the Academic Program Review process.

  • Co-develop internal and external networks to foster collaboration and share information and ideas to promote the MS-HCI and GT.

  • Contribute to strategic marketing and outreach strategy. May include the development of fliers, video messaging, and other modes of communication to attract prospective students.

  • Exercise independent judgment and apply knowledge of administrative and academic operating policies to support student success.

  • Participate in special workgroups through GT and CoC to complete and report specified tasks and outcomes.

  • Work closely with faculty program coordinators to facilitate program processes in the four participating Schools (Interactive Computing, Industrial Design, LMC, and Psychology).

  • Work closely with Associate Directors, Academic Advisors, and Director in updating the program curriculum through planning, coordination, knowledge and understanding of the academic program.

  • Assist in developing and implementing processes, procedures, policies, and systems. May include course, unit, and enrollment projection, student progress tracking, and other mechanisms.

  • Communicate with Office of Graduate Studies and the Registrar's office to identify common problems with student support, programming logistics, instruction, assessment, and connect with appropriate GT entities for support.

Required Qualifications

  • Master's degree in Human Computer Interaction or related field.

  • Have substantial bases of experience, normally at least ten (10) to fifteen (15) years, and a national/international reputation for excellence.

  • Have rich and extensive backgrounds in fields and disciplines related to the school or college of appointment at the Institute.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Ph.D. in HCI-related discipline.

  • 5+ years hands-on experience in HCI/UX.

  • A strong track record of academic publishing in HCI.

  • Teaching experience at the graduate level.

  • Project management experience.

  • Outstanding interpersonal skills.

Required Documents to Attach

Applicants should submit:

  • Cover letter of application.

  • Curriculum vitae.

  • Teaching Statement (limit 1 page)

  • List of 3 professional references.

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities

  • Ability to teach and mentor a diverse student body.

  • Ability to work collaboratively with diverse stakeholders including students, faculty, employers, and alumni.

  • Ability to promote an inclusive and welcoming educational/work environment.

  • Ability to mentor and assist students interested in pursuing graduate education.

  • Ability to design and teach curricula that are responsive to a diverse student body.

  • Ability to adopt teaching strategies that support the learning and success of all students.

  • Ability to engage students in experiential learning activities and pedagogy that support student success.

  • Ability to engage in high-impact practices that support deep learning for student success.

  • Has expertise in teaching, scholarship, and/or service that contributes to access, diversity, and equal opportunity in higher education.

Contact Information

Requests for information may be directed to Dr. Richard Henneman

USG Core Values

The University System of Georgia is comprised of our 26 institutions of higher education and learning as well as the System Office. Our USG Statement of Core Values are Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, and Respect. These values serve as the foundation for all that we do as an organization, and each USG community member is responsible for demonstrating and upholding these standards. More details on the USG Statement of Core Values and Code of Conduct are available in USG Board Policy and can be found on-line at

Additionally, USG supports Freedom of Expression as stated in Board Policy 6.5 Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom found on-line at

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. The University is committed to maintaining a fair and respectful environment for all. To that end, and in accordance with federal and state law, Board of Regents policy, and University policy, Georgia Tech provides equal opportunity to all faculty, staff, students, and all other members of the Georgia Tech community, including applicants for admission and/or employment, contractors, volunteers, and participants in institutional programs, activities, or services. Georgia Tech complies with all applicable laws and regulations governing equal opportunity in the workplace and in educational activities.

Georgia Tech prohibits discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, on the basis of race, ethnicity, ancestry, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, disability, genetics, or veteran status in its programs, activities, employment, and admissions. This prohibition applies to faculty, staff, students, and all other members of the Georgia Tech community, including affiliates, invitees, and guests. Further, Georgia Tech prohibits citizenship status, immigration status, and national origin discrimination in hiring, firing, and recruitment, except where such restrictions are required in order to comply with law, regulation, executive order, or Attorney General directive, or where they are required by Federal, State, or local government contract.

More information on these policies can be found here: Board of Regents Policy Manual | University System of Georgia (

Background Check

The candidate of choice will be required to pass a pre-employment background screening.

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Professor Of The Practice- Asst. Dir., Ms-Hci Program

Georgia Institute Of Technology