Commercial Litigation Paralegal - 2315240

Career Staffing Talent Coconut Grove, FL , Miami-Dade County, FL

Posted 2 days ago

Job Description Job Description Career Staffing Talent has partnered with a multi-state plaintiff's law firm looking for an experienced litigation paralegal with commercial, business litigation, and SOME personal injury experience (PREFERRED NOT REQUIRED). The ideal candidate is hungry, motivated, a go-getter , and wants to see their work have an impact. The position isONSITE, and I will report to one Senior Attorney and one Associate.

It is an excellent opportunity to get Federal Court experience and work on sophisticated matters. Please apply quickly. We aim to fill this position in the upcoming weeks.

ALL INQUIRIES WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. ____________________________ Responsibilities : Conduct pre-claim investigations, legal research, and initial case assessments. Draft pleadings, motions, and appellate documents, and file them with the court. Perform administrative duties, including calendar management, organizing case files, and managing logistics.

Maintain pleadings and discovery indexes. Organize exhibits, documents, evidence, briefs, and appendices. Assist attorneys with interrogatories and other discovery requests.

Gather relevant information from various sources. Liaise between trial teams and internal/external third parties. Provide support during voir dire, jury selection, and witness preparation.

Assist with case settlements. Requirements and Skills : Proven working experience as a Litigation Paralegal. Knowledge of motions, discovery, evidence, litigation documentation, court rules, and procedures.

Strong organizational skills with the ability to manage multiple deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Excellent writing and communication skills, with attention to detail. Paralegal associates degree or other relevant certification. BILINGUAL - SPANISH AND ENGLISH - REQUIRED

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Commercial Litigation Paralegal - 2315240

Career Staffing Talent