Paul Mitchell Schools Modesto , CA 95351
Posted 2 days ago
Calling all barbering pros! Paul Mitchell Schools in Modesto, CA needs your help! Our cosmetology school is searching for an experienced and talented person to join us as a full-time Barber Educator and teach our students the ropes of men's grooming. If you take pride in helping others grow and improve, this could be the job for you!
When you join us, you earn a starting wage of $20.00 - $22.00/hour. We also provide our Barber Educator with 401(k) benefits and paid higher education opportunities. Join us and help pave the way for the future generation of hair care professionals!
At Paul Mitchell Schools, we're all about uplifting others and making dreams come true! We provide comprehensive, hands-on education to help future professionals advance their cosmetology skills and develop fulfilling careers in the beauty industry. With schools all across the country, we're dedicated to helping people find their niche and follow their passions. Not only do we help our students, but we also give back to our community by offering scholarships and raising money through local FUNraising campaigns. If you're looking for a workplace where your skills are valued and you make a meaningful difference, this is it!
As our Barber Educator, you provide your students with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to thrive in the barbering industry. Always friendly and professional, you help develop lesson plans and teach your students all about topics such as shaving, beard styling, hygiene and safety standards, and, of course, cutting hair. You answer questions, provide tips and tricks, and help every student navigate their individual challenges so they can thrive within the industry!
We have an open spot for you at our cosmetology school if you're interested in joining. Just fill out our quick and easy initial application today and pass your hair care knowledge onto the next generation!
[SCHOOL NAME] ("School") does not discriminate on the basis of protected class status, including sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in admission and employment.
Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to the School's Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Civil Rights, or both. The School's Title IX Coordinator is:
[INSERT NAME, Office Address, Email Address,and Telephone]
The School's Protected Class Non-Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures can be located here [INSERT LINK TO POLICY AND PROCEDURES].
To Report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please contact the Title IX Coordinator through one of the above methods (telephone, email, or in person at their office).
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
The School's Campus Crime and Security Report (also known as the Annual Security Report), includes information like the three previous years of crime statistics; certain safety and security policies; and how the School provides timely warnings about Clery crimes that pose an immediate threat to students and employees. It is available at [INSERT LINK]. A paper copy is available upon request.
Paul Mitchell Schools